BBC Planet Earth

"A hundred years ago, there were one and a half billion people on Earth. Now, over six billion crowd our fragile planet. But even so, there are still places barely touched by humanity. This series will take you to the last wildernesses and show you the planet and its wildlife as you have never seen them before."

— David Attenborough's opening narration

herd of penguins travelling through icy mountain

The BBC Planet Earth series consists of 11 episodes each 1 hour long narrated by David Attenborough with a very soft and soothing voice. First 50 minute of every episode features a spectacular overview of a different landscape and habitat around the Earth categorized under Poles, Mountains, Fresh Water, Caves, Deserts, Ice Worlds, Great Plains, Jungles, Shallow Seas, Seasonal Forests and Ocean Deeps respectively followed by a ten-minute featurette which shows a behind-the-scenes look at the challenges of filming the episode.

Watch a single episode and you can't wait to watch it all.

picture from BBC planet earth series where there are lions on mountain on desert

Quick facts - BBC Planet Earth Series

  • Took 5 years in making from 2001 to 2006
  • Most expensive nature documentary filmed by BBC
  • First documentary series to be filmed in HD by BBC
  • Has been broadcasted on 130 countries worldwide
  • 9.5/10 ratings in IMDB from 67,000 users
  • Broke the history of  Television broadcast with 100 million total viewers and became the "most watched cable TV program of all times"
  • Won 4 Primetime Emmys
  • Fastest and Best Selling Documentary in Discovery Channel History
  • US $ 3.2 million sales in just 2 months
  • 3 million total DVD sets already sold and counting

Planet Earth Blu ray and HD DVD Set from BBC


  1. access the web to see PLANET EARTH I&II full

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